The hype from Zumba Fitness Party for Charity still lingers around, guess it is really hard to cure from a Zumba fever this intense. PURE CRAZINESS.
It was very much a success, to us (the committee members) especially. The turnout was great, the event went well... and not to mention...

The amount of money raised. RM60,000.00 divided among the 3 beneficiaries.
what a success it is.
The charity event started out as a thought, and it snowballed - grew bigger and bigger each day. The event eventually took a life on its own.
The event started out as (and intended to be) a little community badminton hall filled with 50 people, eventually manifested itself to a mega-sized hall filled with 2000+ enthusiastic dancers. We couldn't ask for more.
It seemed very much like an impossible thing to do, organizing a charity event in such a short time (2 months to be exact). Not to mention the amount of publicity we had prior to the event, and dring the event itself....

So much doubt before the event, things like:
"is 2 hours too long?"
"what if the hall is empty"
"can the beginners follow?"
"can they see us from so far?!"
No one knew what to expect, it was everybody's first time organizing a charity event; not to mention it was also everyone's first time organizing any kind of event at such a huge magnitude.
excited? yes.
nervous? oh definitely.

as mentioned earlier, all it took was a single thought. and 2 months later, a monster event was born.
and no, of course it didn't happen like magic. There were so much drama, hard work, sweat and blood that was invested in this event.
This is all because of you guys - committee members or not - who supported the event so graciously... which is something we can't thank everyone enough.

Opportunities that stroke this particular event was beyond normal, and stuff like these do not come by very often. Can an event like this be recreated?! definitely yes, if all the right opportunity happened again.
as for now, no future plan has been made for Zumba Fitness Party for Charity in 2011 yet .

we all had such a great time that day, we hope that all of you guys feel exactly what we feel as well
So what can we learn from all of this?
of course we can not forget the importance of charity. Always remember that you can always help others; even if you do not have any money to give, you can always give your helping hand.
If you are lucky enough to have the chance, always participate in ORGANIZING a charity of your own... The experience is different, and definitely more rewarding.
Remember that things can always snowball into something great, so keep hoping for the best (good things will eventually come one way or another)
or always perform small act of kindness everyday.Be nice to everyone you meet, and help everyone you possibly can. Giving a smile to someone is also a form of charity :)

we just want to thank every single one of you guys.
to all the committee members who put in SO MUCH time and effort in making this such a wonderful event.
to everyone who sponsored and donated, the money you gave will help so many more lives.
Last but not least, to everyone who attended the event, your participation made our world go round. The event would not be such a success without you guys.
This will NOT be the last you'll all be hearing from all of us. We hope we have more chance to party like this again in the future
so until then, keep dancing your heart out.
with love, the Zumba Fitness Party for Charity committee members

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